Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Episode Five - January 10th 2212.

So GreedFest was over, the office seemed stark without the HoloDecs™ exploding into life every few seconds, but I really didn’t miss; “So here it is, Merry GreedFest”, or “Santa - put your sleigh on RoboDrive!” hammering out across the office.

I also didn’t miss HoloChocks™ that vanished when you opened the wrappers, or “PartyPloppers” that covered you in virtual phosphorescent slime.

And some media wag had christened 2200 the “Two Little Ducks Century”, so we now had “The Year of Three Little Ducks” for the second time in a decade. Everywhere you went there was an infernal trio of quacks.

Dorid frowned at me across the office. He looked tanned, but fatter, from 2 weeks GreedFest vacation on Lunar.  “What PGFP gimmicks you got in mind Art?”

It took me a while to get his latest acronym. He meant ‘Post GreedFest Promotions’. We didn’t do consumer, which was rife with hunger-suppressing implant diets, SlimSims™ and the latest SythiHales™ that were so benign they may as well have been tubes of fresh air. Generally as a B2B agency we stayed away from “PGFP’s”

“Dunno Dorid, I was wondering if we might do an ad for BlastM2Bits Security, showing three little ducks getting fried by a LectroGrid™. Copy line ‘What’s cooking in modern security?’”

“Like it!”

“Or one for HoloCorp saying “How can you do three ducks without 3D?”


“And we could do an AdHolo for TimeTravelTech showing four ducks in a row with the tagline "Why wait?" – might convince some people that TTT have still got a credible product.”

“…nope, don’t get it…”

“Waddle you be doing in 2222?”


“Anyway, most of our customers won’t wear the duck stuff. Why don’t we do an in-house promo and just say ‘Happy New Year from all at Artlie-Saturn?’"

“Where’s the ducks?”

“At the top. We’ll call them the Three Wise Advertising Ducks. One for an agency that doesn’t duck the issue, one because we're always happy to float new ideas, and another because our bills are never too big.”


“Quacked it.”

(To be continued - for earlier blogs, scroll down)

And a Happy New Year from all at Hartley-Stone!  


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